Kirjoittaja Aihe: Touhou-aiheisia testejä  (Luettu 103256 kertaa)


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Vs: Touhou-aiheisia testejä
« Vastaus #15 : Huhtikuu 21, 2011, 22:03:51 »
Your Yukari!
Over a thousand years ago, Yukari organized an army of youkai and led them in an invasion of the Moon. The youkai were subsequently routed by the Lunarians, who possessed superior technology and magic, and forced to retreat to Earth. Since that time, no youkai have attempted to expand their territory beyond Gensokyo. While some speculate that Yukari organized the invasion out of selfish hunger for territory and power, others believe she did it to teach the youkai a lesson about starting wars of conquest; namely, that it was a bad idea.
About a thousand years ago, Yukari met and became friends with a human girl named Yuyuko. After Yuyuko died, Yukari continued to be friends with Yuyuko's ghost, although Yuyuko gradually forgot who she had been and why she had died. When Yuyuko requested that Yukari use her power to weaken the border between the Netherworld and Gensokyo, Yukari obliged. She knew Yuyuko's plan to make the Saigyou Ayakashi bloom could never succeed, but was too busy sleeping to say or do anything about it, or to put the border back to normal after everything was finished, which put her on a collision course with the heroines

Powers:Manipulation of all boundaries

Jee Yukari!^^ Verityyppi ja syntymä ajan tulosta en tiedä, koska en tiedä veri ryhmääni. D:


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Vs: Touhou-aiheisia testejä
« Vastaus #16 : Huhtikuu 22, 2011, 17:27:50 »
Verityyppikuva sanoo Satoriksi, ja olen ookoo asian kanssa.

Tuota toista testiä en sitten saanut tehtyä edes loppuun, kun kirjoitus- ja kielioppivirheitä oli niin kauheasti, sekä vastausvaihtoehdot olivat aivan liian ilmiselvästi ja oudon typerästi ensimmäisessä persoonassa tehty.


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Vs: Touhou-aiheisia testejä
« Vastaus #17 : Huhtikuu 22, 2011, 19:22:29 »
Okei, syntymäpäiväni on 17.10, veriryhmäni ilmeisesti A, eli taulukon mukaan olisin... Merlin Prismriver..... Jaa :-\
No, olenhan aliarvostettujen hahmojen fani  =)


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Vs: Touhou-aiheisia testejä
« Vastaus #18 : Huhtikuu 22, 2011, 22:33:03 »
Mulle tuli Sakuya-chan

Your Sakuya!!!!
Easily one of the most enigmatic characters, despite appearing in so many games, Sakuya is the Chief Maid at the Scarlet Devil Mansion. She works for her mistress, Remilia Scarlet, and is apparently the only human working at or living within the mansion. She has the power to stop time. She is known to then place knives in midair and resume time to allow these knives to fly towards her targets. Stopping time is also a handy way of doing large amounts of maid work in a short time. Because nearly everyone living or working at the mansion are maids, being the chief of them all means there are few people there with more authority within the mansion than Sakuya.
Sakuya can also use her powers to accelerate time, such as making bamboo flowers bloom instantly, even though this would normally take sixty years.In some fan-produced works, Sakuya is depicted with dog ears and a tail, probably a reflection of various characters referring to her as Remilia's dog. For example, in Sakuya's scenario of Perfect Cherry Blossom the three Prismriver Sisters offer to make her a part of the banquet by eating her. Lyrica starts singing "dog meat dog meat," implying that Sakuya is a dog. Sakuya is the only one of the three heroines available that the Prismrivers threaten to eat.

Powers:Time manipulation, knife proficiency


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Vs: Touhou-hahmo veriryhmäsi ja syntymäpäiväsi mukaan
« Vastaus #19 : Huhtikuu 25, 2011, 22:09:07 »
Veriryhmätestissä tuli Suwako. Jotenkin yleensä olen tottunut siihen käsitykseen että AB:t ovat aggressiivisia, ja kiivaitakin, joten Suwakoa on vaikea tunkea tähän muottiin... No jaaaaaa, tuskin sitä niin pitkälle on ajateltu ja mietin vain liikaa. ^^'

no minulta tulee tässä eka

Lapen tulos:Your Marisa!!!
Marisa Kirisame is a human, magician, and one of the most important sub-characters of the series (according to ZUN). Her personality is sometimes described as disagreeable, but in some other titles, straightforward. Either way she is a very self-confident person that likes to stick her nose into every trouble out of curiosity. She is also known as a hard worker, who's trying to catch up to Reimu with her secret training and magic development.
Powers: High-level Magic

Sama täälläkin 8D Muuten kiva testi mutta oli aika ilmiselvää mitä piti vastata jotta saisi tietyn hahmon, plus ne kaikki kirjoitusvirheet ja epäsiisti ulkoasu saivat koko testin näyttämään aika hölmöltä.
That was so kawaii my doki doki almost committed sudoku.


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Vs: Touhou-aiheisia testejä
« Vastaus #20 : Huhtikuu 25, 2011, 23:53:33 »
Verestäni en tiedä mitään mutta Kaguya molemmissa testeissä. Sopii hyvin. :)


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Vs: Touhou-aiheisia testejä
« Vastaus #21 : Huhtikuu 26, 2011, 17:48:57 »
Your Flandre!!!!!!! Shes one of my favorites too!
Flandre is the younger sister of Remilia and the "dirty little secret" of Scarlet Devil Mansion. Because of her unstable personality and incredible destructive power, her sister has had her locked up in the basement for nearly 500 years. She knows little about the world outside and until the heroines arrived during the Extra Stage of Embodiment of Scarlet Devil she had had no substantive contact with any humans save Sakuya. Flandre's wings have an unusual appearance which do not resemble a vampire's typical bat-like wings (or even organic matter to begin with). It has been speculated that her wings are artificial, and that she fashioned them herself and then attached them to her body; she may have lost her original wings or been born without them. Some fans depict the multicolored crystals attached to her wings to be capacitors or storage devices for magical energy that augment Flandre's power.Flandre is one of the two vampires at the Scarlet Devil Mansion.
Powers: Destruction of Everything and anything. WHOOOOOO!


Verityyppitestissä olen varmaankin Alice, mutta en oli ihan varma.

F.K Rinno

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Vs: Touhou-aiheisia testejä
« Vastaus #22 : Toukokuu 03, 2011, 00:42:40 »
Your Marisa!!!
Marisa Kirisame is a human, magician, and one of the most important sub-characters of the series (according to ZUN). Her personality is sometimes described as disagreeable, but in some other titles, straightforward. Either way she is a very self-confident person that likes to stick her nose into every trouble out of curiosity. She is also known as a hard worker, who's trying to catch up to Reimu with her secret training and magic development.
Powers: High-level Magic

....toivoin Rinnoa....
↓, ↓→, →, P


  • Vieras
Vs: Touhou-aiheisia testejä
« Vastaus #23 : Toukokuu 03, 2011, 17:20:39 »
Flandre, koska mun looginen päättelykykyni osas valita ne vaihtoehdot siihen. Enkä jaksanu tehdä tätä kunnolla joo, olisin saanu jonku itkuporuraivarin jos olisin ollu ihan kuka tahansa muu. Ärsyttää vaan toi "your" tossa vastauksessa, se on "you're" krpl. ;A;


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Vs: Touhou-aiheisia testejä
« Vastaus #24 : Toukokuu 25, 2011, 11:37:16 »
Olisin mieluummin ollut kuka tahansa samaan aikaväliin sopineista, mutta pakko tyytyä elämään vain talvisin. Ja huolehtimaan rakastettavasta poikatytöstä.
Olen siis Letty.


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Vs: Touhou-aiheisia testejä
« Vastaus #25 : Heinäkuu 20, 2011, 01:05:31 »
Veriryhmätesti väittää minua Raniksi. Ehh, hoidan kyllä toisiaan talomme emännän (äitini) duuneja, koska tämä on välillä täysin hajamielinen pönttöpää. Ei onneksi nuku vielä kellon ympäri.

Ran muutenkin sillein kiinnosava hahmo, että sattuu olemaan yksi niistä harvoista Touhou-hahmoista, joita minäkin kykenisin cossaamaan. (Siis Genjin ja Youkin lisäksi. En omista Rinnon sikspäkkiä. :/) Mikäli siis olisi sallittua vetää päähänsä kettumaski. Yhessä doujinissa taisin tälläiseen Raniin törmätäkin, tiedä sitten katsottaisiin sitä fanikunnan kesken hyvänä.

Jälkimmäiseen yritin vastata niin lähelle omaa itseäni kuin mahdollista, vaikka se välillä vaikeaa olikin. -.-'

Tässäpä lopputulos.
ur Reimu!

Reimu Hakurei is one of the main characters of the Touhou series, having appeared in almost every game in the series. As the sole maiden of the Hakurei Shrine, she is commonly called upon (or calls it upon herself) to investigate strange occurrences throughout the world. She is quite simple-minded, thus when she's angry she's angry, and when she smiles she smiles. Her open personality makes her well-liked by both humans and youkai. Due to that, many people stay close to the shrine.

Powers:Sealing/purification powers, high intuitio
Marked for deletion (old).


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Vs: Touhou-aiheisia testejä
« Vastaus #26 : Heinäkuu 22, 2011, 15:10:19 »
Veriryhmätestiin en vastaa kun en ole yhtään varma veriryhmästäni -o- Mutta olisin joko Youmu, Meiling, Ran tai Sanae. (:

Tuohon tokaan.. Ton perusteella nyt sais hahmon minkä haluu mut päätin vastaa suht. rehellisesti joten :B Lol en olis kyllä arvannu. :'D

Your Alice!
Alice is one of only a few people known to live within the Forest of Magic. She's a magician known primarily for her skillful use of dolls as well as being a loner. She gets in many fights with Marisa but they're actually kind of close, sharing many of the same interests and even teaming up during Imperishable Night. It's like a love/hate relationship really. Because Alice, unlike Marisa, is much more interested in strategy and hates having to win a fight from sheer overwhelming power she always holds back even if it means losing. Being known as the "Seven-Colored Puppeteer" or "Rainbow Puppeteer", Alice apparently believes in a correlation between color and power level. During her dialogue with Reimu, she asserts Reimu's powers are only equal to 28.5714% (or 2/7) of her own powers, due to Reimu's outfit only consisting of two colors. This appears to be a recurring theme in Perfect Cherry Blossom as Yukari, Ran and Chen are all named after colors and have relative power levels equivalent to their colors' place on the visual spectrum.

Powers: Magic, Puppetry


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Vs: Touhou-aiheisia testejä
« Vastaus #27 : Heinäkuu 28, 2011, 13:55:37 »
Veriryhmätestiin en vastaa kun en ole yhtään varma veriryhmästäni -o-

Tuohon tokaan.. Ton perusteella nyt sais hahmon minkä haluu mut päätin vastaa suht. rehellisesti joten :B Lol en olis kyllä arvannu. :'D

Your Alice!
Alice is one of only a few people known to live within the Forest of Magic. She's a magician known primarily for her skillful use of dolls as well as being a loner. She gets in many fights with Marisa but they're actually kind of close, sharing many of the same interests and even teaming up during Imperishable Night. It's like a love/hate relationship really. Because Alice, unlike Marisa, is much more interested in strategy and hates having to win a fight from sheer overwhelming power she always holds back even if it means losing. Being known as the "Seven-Colored Puppeteer" or "Rainbow Puppeteer", Alice apparently believes in a correlation between color and power level. During her dialogue with Reimu, she asserts Reimu's powers are only equal to 28.5714% (or 2/7) of her own powers, due to Reimu's outfit only consisting of two colors. This appears to be a recurring theme in Perfect Cherry Blossom as Yukari, Ran and Chen are all named after colors and have relative power levels equivalent to their colors' place on the visual spectrum.

Powers: Magic, Puppetry
Kröh köh olikohan arvattavaa että itsekin Alicen tuosta repäisin XD tosin ketäpä muutakaan ku olen fakin ronery ja mulla on ollu jo penskasta asti nukkefetissi

Ja verityyppitestin perusteella Youmu.. ónò


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Vs: Touhou-aiheisia testejä
« Vastaus #28 : Heinäkuu 28, 2011, 15:38:51 »
Veriryhmätestin mukaan olen Flandre, mitä tämä sitten tarkoittaneekaan 8-). Olen vähän hullu/arvaamaton tai jotain?

Ja toi toinen testi... uuh ei yhtään läpinäkyvä? xD Yritin kyllä valita ne vastaukset jotka sopis mielestäni parhaiten tai sitten vaan oman maun mukaan. Mutta olihan se aika selvää mikä sieltä tulee kun 2-3 kysymykseen laitoin sen Mokou-vastauksen :-P.
Lainaus käyttäjältä: testi
your Mokou!
Formerly an ordinary human, Mokou became an immortal being after drinking the Hourai Elixir about 1,200 years ago. Now she is unable to die, at least not permanently, though she still feels the pain of injuries as normal. She's considered to be very powerful, though it's not clear whether it's because she actually has that much power, or if it's simply because she doesn't die and can therefore keep fighting until she can no longer stand the pain. She has hated Kaguya ever since the moon princess humiliated Mokou's father by turning down his marriage proposal after he failed her trial of the Impossible Requests. Though the slight happened over a thousand years ago, she continues to seek her revenge against Kaguya, knowing full well that she can never succeed--nor can Kaguya ever put a permanent end to her. When not fighting with Kaguya, though, she aids the nearby villagers by exterminating youkai and will even guide them safely to Eientei for medical treatment. She is a loner by nature and chooses not to socialize with humans or youkai, and has a dubious personality that can easily switch from friendly to threatening and back again, but her actions seem to indicate she may be a good person.
powers:Eternal youth and immortality, resistance to and manipulation of fire
Pusi pusi ja cosplay


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Vs: Touhou-aiheisia testejä
« Vastaus #29 : Elokuu 03, 2011, 17:49:52 »
Veriryhmätestin mukaan olen Aya, ja tuosta toisesta tuli sitten Kaguya.

Your Kaguya!!! She is a lunarian who was kicked off the moon and sent ton earth for drinking an illegal potion/ elixer thing that made her imortal. (first they sentanced her to death but she drank the potion so she didnt die)
Her closest friend Eirin stole it for her and went with her to earth and still live together today. She has a pet rabbit named Reisen who is also from the moon but she fled during the war between earth and the lunarians. You are a SUPER bitter rival with Mokou. (shes at 1:30 in the video)
Your power: Manipulation of eternity and temporality.

Ja nopealla googlaamisella löysin pari testiä lisää: (Tämän mukaan olen Marisa) (Tämän mukaan olen Patchouli) (Tämän mukaan olen Koishi, vaikka tuo onkin noita missä helposti saa arvattua mikä hahmo tulee, mutta tein uudestaan niin että vastasin itseni mukaan, ja Koishi tuli taas.)

Olen ihan kaiken valokuvaamisesta pitävä kuuprinsessa joka on myös noita joka asuu kirjastossa ja osaa manipuloida alitajuntaa?
nyaa saatnan homoperseet nyaa