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    Kirjoittaja Aihe: Nordic Touhou Event!  (Luettu 22687 kertaa)


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    Nordic Touhou Event!
    « : Elokuu 24, 2016, 23:54:08 »
    Hello everyone, long time no see!

    Gale from Touhou Sweden here, it's been a while since I've been active here and the same can be said about our community going to events outside of Sweden (as Touhou Sweden), even though we've been looking at some events lately in Finland, sadly it has always turned out to be an economic issue among us, so no events could be planned. Know that we still miss you guys though!

    Anyway, this time we've been in contact with some people who are willing to put some money into it, and in an effort of making this happen we would like to know how many people would be interested in participating in an all-out Touhou convention, located in southern Sweden, Skåne to be more exact.

    Note that this is just in an early planning stage just to see how big the interest is and that is isn't decided who will be the main arranger of this event, should it become a reality.

    So yeah, how many are interested in seeing a Touhou convention happen within the nordic countries?

    Feel free to discuss!

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    Vs: Nordic Touhou Event!
    « Vastaus #1 : Elokuu 25, 2016, 00:34:14 »
    Oh boy. So far I'm excited about this even though this early talk.

    One question though: It's a Nordic Touhou event..... Are there actual Touhou communities in Denmark and Norway too? I've never thought about that and I just got curious.

    What about the event's organizing? Are we going to plan and make it happen together or is it going to be Touhou Sweden's job as it seems to be taking place in Sweden (which is actually a pretty nice thing as it's easy to get there from other Nordic countries)? I wonder how big event this would be if we got like 90% of the Nordic Touhou fans under the same roof lol.


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    Vs: Nordic Touhou Event!
    « Vastaus #2 : Elokuu 25, 2016, 00:58:46 »
    Neither time nor money are on my side, but I'll be damned if I wasn't excited at the idea!

    Yes, this sounds like a great idea, at least on this hypothetical level.


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    Vs: Nordic Touhou Event!
    « Vastaus #3 : Elokuu 25, 2016, 13:01:05 »
    One question though: It's a Nordic Touhou event..... Are there actual Touhou communities in Denmark and Norway too? I've never thought about that and I just got curious.

    What about the event's organizing? Are we going to plan and make it happen together or is it going to be Touhou Sweden's job as it seems to be taking place in Sweden (which is actually a pretty nice thing as it's easy to get there from other Nordic countries)?

    At this point, we really don't know much. However, since Touhou Sweden was there when this idea first sprouted, my personal guess is we'd be there as some sort of organiser, but we'd need help from alot of different people and there might be alot of different actors there, doing different things so naturally we couldn't be in charge of everything.

    I am actually not aware of how big the Danish and Norwegian communities are, but we know there are people there interested in Touhou. Actually, I kinda just went with "Nordic" just because of how likely we are to see people from other Nordic regions, but the people who first came up with the idea mentioned that it would hopefully be a European event, so maybe we could reach out even further.


    • Vieras
    Vs: Nordic Touhou Event!
    « Vastaus #4 : Elokuu 25, 2016, 16:15:19 »
    Count me in.